Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I guess I've decided to write again. 

It's been a really long time since my last post and surprisingly enough it's about the red head.  Has it really been that long...

I guess that things don't really change. And intrinsic beauty just happens to endure the test of time.  Still haven't gotten the nerve to talk to her, but that's ok because sometimes things are better left in dreams.  I do like seeing her occasionally just because she's beautiful. 

As I read the first and last blog post that I made almost two years ago I realize that not much has changed during this time.  I wish I could say that life has created a wonderful and bright two years that I can look upon with proud eyes and a hearty raised chin, but it simply hasn't.  I mean seriously I could've wrote that post today and it would still feel right.  It feels like these last two years have been filled with hazy drunken nights followed by unproductive days.  I have memories of good friends and good times, but nothing substantial has happened.  If anything I feel that I'm just getting older and not wiser. 

I've given up reading for the most part.  Which is sad and should change. 

I've given up going to the gym.  Which is sad and should change. 

And I've fallen into a stagnant stream of life that just pushes me side to side and always deposits me back into the place I started. 

Tonight was a pretty strong wake up call.  I was reminded of the promise that I made to myself, to not be one of those lonely old guys sitting at the bar by himself quietly drinking his sorrows away.  A promise that I should've paid closer attention to. 

Change needs to acknowledged before change can occur. 

And change needs to occur.