Monday, December 27, 2010

1st Blog post in years.

My First Blog post in years.

For now I'm gonna keep it simple.  Simple rundowns of my daily routine. 

Today, I woke up for work and went through my usual wake up procedures.  The alarm went off at 6:30 and after 4 snooze button hits and a half an hour later, I was up and getting out of bed.  By 7:35 AM I was on my way to the bus stop.  When I'm riding the bus in the morning, my eyes unfocus as if I were in a dream state.  I stare into a blurry street with cars and people and buildings just seeming-less-ly passing by.  It's a level of unconsciousness that remains for the majority of the day. 

And today was no different. 

When the day finally ended and I was rushing back to the bus stop that takes me home, I looked for her again.  The red head that had eluded me before.  The one with the silly face and the awkward looking grandma sweater.  The one that used to get on the stop before mine and now gets on the one that I do.  I've seen her in my peripheral vision a couple of times last week.  Kind of like the way the sunset looks when you're driving along the interstate and it's too fast for you to take your eyes off the road.  As I climbed into the almost empty subway car I looked down to the second car and didn't catch the brilliant flash of red and I felt my heart suddenly sank a bit.

I found myself sitting on the bus asking myself, what would I have done had I saw her.  So many times in my life I've had those short lived opportunities to say hi.   Even with this chick, the frequency that I've taken this bus has afforded me with the chance to be on the same train as her at least 7-8 times over the last couple of months.  I've even sat next to her on one of those rides.  But each time I held my tongue and clench my fist around the relapsing cycle of regret and then wandered off the bus in the enveloping hazy dark of night, alone and never knowing if I could really ever awaken from this dream state that is my life. 

And then I'm home.